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Shearing machine contro system
Shearing machine contro system

    The system control two axes, one axis is controlled by inverter for backgauge positioning, other one is controlled by induction motor for blades gap, the system control the backgauge and the blades gap. The machine can execute the cutting automatically in the automatic mode, and change to the next step after finishing the cutting times. The system can memorize 100 programs maximum, and every program can have 20 steps, each step can be programmed 999 cutting. The CNC system is very convenient, it includes manual mode, single cycle mode and automatic mode, the operator can select different mode to complete the shearing operation automatically.

 DAC-310 system
Compact CNC for shearing machines

The DAC-310 shear controller provides a complete and compact shear control application. Including backgauge control, gap control and stroke length limitation this state of the art electronics based unit makes a versatile solution.
The backgauge can be moved manually by selecting pushbuttons in 2 different speeds.
With its bright LCD display, the control offers a clear, fast and simple programming facility.
The DAC-310 offers you the following features:
Backgauge control
Bright LCD display, 128x64 pixels
Gap or Anglecontrol
Stroke length limitation
Actual and programmed position visualisation

DAC-350 system
Multi-function CNC for shearing machines

The top-of-line DAC-350 offers all functionality demanded on modern shearing machines. In addition to the X axis position it offers automatic control of cutting angle, stroke length and gap.
Its memory allows the storage of 1000 program lines.
The electronic architecture is based on Delem's MODUSYS I/O system, allowing full freedom of mounting onto your machine.
The DAC-350 offers you the following additional features:
Handwheel operated manual movement for optimal contact with the machine
Dialogue language is operator selectable
Absolute/incremental measures
Power down position memorization
Inch/mm selection
2nd X axis optionally available
Many ON/OFF outputs for auxiliary functions

Compact and complete control for shearing machines

The DAC-360 provides a complete solution for shearing machines. In addition to the X axis position it offers automatic control of cutting angle, stroke length and gap.
The numerical programming is user-friendly and guides the operator through the programming posibilities.
The DAC-360 offers you the following additional features:
Panel based housing
Bright LCD screen
Backgauge control
Cutting angle control
Cutting gap control
Stroke length limitation
Force control
Manual movement of axes